o create your own UI5 

control, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Create a new JavaScript file in your project and name it as per your control name, for example "MyCustomControl.js".
  2. Define your control using the sap.ui.core.Control API. This includes defining the metadata, renderer and the control's properties, events and methods.
  3. Define the control's renderer to specify how the control should be displayed on the screen.
  4. Once you have defined your control, you need to register it with the UI5 framework using the sap.ui.core.Control.extend() method.
  5. After registering your control, you can use it in your application like any other UI5 control.

Here is an example code snippet for creating a custom UI5 control:

  1. javascriptCopy codesap.ui.define([ 
  2. "sap/ui/core/Control" 
  3. ], function(Control) { 
  4. "use strict"; 
  5. var MyCustomControl = Control.extend("my.namespace.MyCustomControl", { 
  6. metadata : { 
  7. properties : { 
  8. text : {type : "string", defaultValue : ""} 
  9. }, 
  10. events : { 
  11. press : {} 
  12. } 
  13. }, 
  15. renderer : function(oRm, oControl) { 
  16. oRm.write("<div"); 
  17. oRm.writeControlData(oControl); 
  18. oRm.addClass("myCustomControl"); 
  19. oRm.writeClasses(); 
  20. oRm.write(">"); 
  21. oRm.writeEscaped(oControl.getText()); 
  22. oRm.write("</div>"); 
  23. }, 
  25. onAfterRendering : function() { 
  26. this.$().click(function() { 
  27. this.firePress(); 
  28. }.bind(this)); 
  29. } 
  30. }); 
  31. return MyCustomControl; 
  32. }); 

In the above example, we have created a custom control called "MyCustomControl". This control has one property called "text", which is a string, and one event called "press". The renderer function defines how the control will be rendered on the screen. In this case, we are rendering a simple div with the text property as its content. We have also added a click event listener to the control using the onAfterRendering function.

Finally, we register the control with the UI5 framework using the sap.ui.core.Control.extend() method. This method takes two parameters - the name of the control and an object defining the control's properties, events and methods. Once registered, the control can be used in your application like any other UI5 control.

  1. arduinoCopy codevar myControl = new my.namespace.MyCustomControl({ 
  2. text: "Hello World", 
  3. press: function() { 
  4. console.log("Button pressed!"); 
  5. } 
  6. }); 
  7. myControl.placeAt("content") 


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